Why 99% of Website Traffic to Your Home Page Are Dead Upon Arrival
A common mistake many website owners make is to send traffic to their home page. I'm talking about where you funnel traffic to from your advertisement and promotional activities. You see, the sole purpose of getting website traffic is NOT to try to sell them something. It's NOT to have them learn about your company or products or services. And it definitely is NOT to have them buy at first sight. The sole purpose is to get them to OPT-IN. That's right. To get them to opt in. You may pay dearly to build website traffic. So it would be sad if they came and visited your site without leaving their email address through opt-in. Because without an email address, how will you ever expect to sell them your products and services. I realize you may have an opt-in form on your home page. But it's probably not the thing your visitor's eyes are focused on when they first visit your site. They are probably looking at your design and the various sections of c...